
This series will explore some of the epic stories found in the Bible. Stories that changed lives and the course of whole people groups but more so stories that can change our lives. Date          Title          Topic          Notes           Mp3 6.28.15             John the Baptist                         Notes                   Audio 7.5.15               Is it Possible?  Good Citizen/Faithful Follower  Notes          […]

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Home Improvement

A series for Mother’s Day to Father’s Day to help at home. Hoe is to be safe and secure. It is always being attacked from without and from within. So let’s spend a few weeks to sharpen our tools for the fight for our family! TITLE                       NOTES        PODCAST     DATE Service                     Notes           N/A                5.10.15 Authority                   Notes           Yes               5.17.15 […]

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Symbols are part of everyday life. They have all kinds of meanings for all kinds of purposes. What symbols need to be a part of our lives filled with faith? In this series of message we will look at symbols that need to be added to our lives.   1. Fine’     Notes 2. Love     Notes […]

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Countdown to the CROSS

This March we will count the days as our liturgical brothers and sisters do in Lent. The Cross is the pentacle of Jesus purpose and the power of the Gospel on full display. We will spend the next few weeks in this series looking at the process, the cost and the preparation leading to the cross! I […]

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Last Year to This Year

The transition form one year to another is simply changing the calendar. However we place much more on this transition as we reflect on the year past and prepare for the year ahead. This series will help us look back and forward to the future with clear direction for the new year. This series is […]

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Jesus is______________.

In our previous Series Heaven? we thought about Heaven and recognized in each topic that the central focus of Heaven is Jesus. Last week we looked at our tendency to make it Jesus AND____. It is not just us but believers before have struggled with the very same issue. The book of Hebrews was written to “Jesus and […]

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Good Bye Old Hello New

We all have them. Habits, you know the ones that have been around since…well…forever. The ones that are keeping you from growing and maturing into the person you were created to be. This series will help us to examine how to get rid of the past and put on the new. Join us on this […]

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